What does Homology show proof of , Evolutionary Naturalism or an Intelligent Designer?

Homology involves the theory that macroevolutionary relationships can be proven by the similarity in the anatomy and physiology of different animals. Since Darwin, homology has been cited in textbooks as a major proof for evolution. But a review of the literature on homology indicates that the theory does not provide evidence for evolutionary naturalism. Furthermore, increased knowledge about the genetic and molecular basis of life has revealed many major exceptions and contradictions to the theory which, as a result, have largely negated homology as a proof of evolution.

Evolutionary Naturalism

Evolutionists claimed that extensive comparisons of skeletons, muscles, nerves, body organs, cell ultrastructure and biochemistry of different animal kinds have confirmed that a great deal of similarity exists in both their structure and function. By arranging or classifying large sets of anatomical structures according to the similarity of selected traits, evolutionary naturalists have attempted to demonstrate evidence for a long, gradual line of progressive animal changes terminating in the highest organism yet, humans. Evolutionists then argue that these comparisons prove the concept that all life evolved from a hypothetical ‘common ancestor’ protocell that they believe lived about 3.5 billion years ago.

‘If you look at a 1953 Corvette and compare it to the latest model, only the most general resemblances are evident, but if you compare a 1953 and a 1954 Corvette, side by side, then a 1954 and a 1955 model, and so on, the descent with modification is overwhelmingly obvious. This is what paleontologists do with fossils, and the evidence is so solid and comprehensive that it cannot be denied by reasonable people.’

Homology is not merely a minor proof of evolution, but instead has been widely cited by evolutionists as one of the most compelling lines of evidence for their theory. Darwin concluded that homology was critically important evidence for common descent:

‘According to Darwin’ theory of common descent, the structures that we call homologies represent characteristics inherited with some modification from a corresponding feature in a common ancestor. Darwin devoted an entire book, The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, largely to the idea that humans share common descent with apes and other animals … . Darwin built his case mostly on anatomical comparisons revealing homology between humans and apes. To Darwin, the close resemblances between apes and humans could be explained only by common descent.’

Darwin reasoned that the members of the same class of animals resemble each other in the general plan of their design and, in his words, this resemblance is critical because of the fact that ‘the hand of a man, formed for grasping, that of a mole for digging, the leg of the horse, the paddle of the tortoise and the wing of the bat’ are all ‘constructed on the same pattern’ and ‘include similar bones in the same relative positions’ is specifically what the theory of common descent would expect. The argument from homology has been used in high school and college biology textbooks for generations. A survey by the author of 45 widely used recent college textbooks and 28 high school texts revealed that all of those that discussed evolution (except one) employed homology as a major proof for Darwinism. Most discussions were brief and almost identical in content and thrust. The following example was typical:

‘The seven bones in the human neck correspond with the same seven, much larger, neckbones in the giraffe: they are homologues. The number of cervical vertebrae is a trait shared by creatures descended from a common ancestor. Related species share corresponding structures, though they may be modified in various ways.’

These fundamental resemblances, or homologies, as they are technically called, call for some explanation, and the only natural explanation that has ever been proposed is evolution.’ ‘Why is it that bats and whales have so much in common anatomically with mice and men? Why do virtually all vertebrate forelimbs have the same basic "pentadactyl" (five fingered) design?

However, homology does not prove evolution, in the sense that nobody has actually witnessed the gradual changes in the millions of consecutive generations which led from a common ancestor to a bird on the one hand and to man on the other. But, only homology strongly suggests evolution.

Origin of the Homology theory

The concept of homology originally meant only that a set of structures was fundamentally similar. It was first elaborated in 1843 by one of Darwin’ most informed critics, Sir Richard Owen. Before Darwin, homology observations were explained by a concept called ideal archetypes, meaning the Creator used the superior design prototype throughout His Creation. A branch of this worldview now is called INTELLIGENT DESIGN THEORY.

It was not until after Darwin that homology implied common ancestry. After Darwin’ ideas spread, the structural similarity in many animals that had been obvious to anatomists for generations was reinterpreted as evidence for common descent.

Evaluation of Homology as evidence

That some similarity exists when certain aspects of life forms are compared is obvious.

The simplest and most obvious explanation for the fact that morphological similarities between bones, sensory organs, lungs, or gills exist among most higher animals is that the requirements of life are similar for similar living things, and some designs are preferred in constructing animals because these designs are superior to competing designs.

All automobile, bicycle and pushcart tyres are round because this design is superior for the function of most tyres. A tyre homology does not prove common descent, but common design by engineers throughout history because of the superiority of the round structure for rolling. Likewise, most vertebrate kidneys are similar structurally because they have a similar physiological role in the body and consequently must be similar in both structure and function.

Homology also does not prove that a set of animals is related by descent because both similarities and differences exist for any two animal types, and traits often are chosen by evolutionists only because they seem to provide evidence that two animals are related. The only criterion that was used by Darwinists to select examples of homology was: ‘Does the example support what is assumed to be an evolutionary relationship?’ Other examples are ignored or explained away. This fact is so well recognized, and so many examples exist that contradict the explanation of common descent.


A.) Homology and Anatomy
B.) Vestigial Organs and Homology 
C.) Embryology and Homology
D.) BioChemical Homology
E.) Genetics and Homology


As scientists learn more about anatomy, physiology and especially genetics, the concept of homology increasingly came under attack. One problem however, was that examples which seemed to fit evolutionary assumptions were often cited, while the many examples that do not fit were ignored. And, in time, more and more examples were discovered that had to be ignored. Eventually, as one observer noted, homology led Darwinists to assemble very select examples that seemed to prove ancestor-descendant relationships that often were quite convincing. In addition, as Milton has observed,

The recent information explosion in embryology, microbiology, genetics and especially molecular biology has revealed in minute detail how plants and animals are constructed at the molecular level. If the Darwinian interpretation of homology were correct, then we would expect that the same homologies found at the macroscopic level also exist at the microscopic, biochemical and genetic levels. What researchers in each of these fields often find, has greatly undermined the homology concept. So many exceptions now exist that molecular biologist Michael Denton concluded that the homology theory should be rejected. His main argument is that genetic research has not shown that homologous structures are produced by homologous genes and follow homologous patterns of embryological development. Instead, genetics has found that homologous structures are ‘often specified by non-homologous genetic systems’ and furthermore, the homology ‘can seldom be extended back into embryology’.

Why do most scientists accept macroevolution theory?

A major reason is that it is now the accepted world view of scientists—an idea to which they are exposed from the earliest days of training, and by which they are surrounded daily. Most scientists are influenced by social pressure, and many believers fear recriminations from their fellow scientists if they do not conform to what currently is viewed as correct. To prove their orthodoxy, many scientists have become unscientific. Belief in evolutionism requires a credulity induced partly by pressure to conform to a world of science that is saturated with naturalism.

What do YOU think? Are you for Evolutionary Naturalism or Intelligent Designer ? . . .



  2. Jackielou B. Bohol
    I'll go for Evolutionary Naturalism. I find Evolutionary Naturalism more genuine than the Intelligent Designer. Simply because of the evidences & facts such as the fossil records and other artifacts.

  3. Kyle Russel N. Santos
    i will pick evolutionary naturalism. because people do not believe things that they do not see or touch. because they want to see some evidence to believe.

  4. I'll go for evolutionary naturalism, change is nature in every living organism and human as well, in terms of our evolution the fossils, bones, evidences, artifacts, and studies that they found (HISTORIAN/SCIENTISTS) is not enough but it is a satisfaction on our mind that human came from ape and the evolution of ape to human form really occured. We as simple student don't have any proof to show to other people, we don't have literal studies to show and we don't have guts to prove in the world but in the science world it is possible and it is legitimately to happen, so we as a student should not believe quickly in this arguement because we haven't witnessed all the transformations and evolutions occurs but we are studying human anatomy to study and understand everything about the origin of our life in the planet earth,for I believe change is the constant thing is this world and it's natural so I'll go for evolutionary naturalism.

    Note: It is just my humble opinion and it is just a matter of prefference. 😊

  5. Via the fact that these are both Theories and are both supported by some subjectively written other theories and some facts which in a way simply support the other as the other is, I would like to spin a wheel of fortune, hypothetically thinking that my bias is correct, which lands me on Intelligent Design.
    Intelligent Design Theory would be correct via the fact that we could think up of a creator whom uses a same template for other organisms, while keeping the diversity and uniqueness of each. Evidences such as bones, artifacts and other such differences in the body via evolution also supports intelligent design due to the fact that, hypothetically, that one creator also deemed for us the need to adapt and restructure our bodies to survive, thus changes our cultures and body structures, via influencing us using a mighty power.
    In short, Intelligent Design is also supported by what evidences may support Evolutionary Naturalism, but so much more. Thus I support the Intelligent Design Theory.
    - David Roniel Sumande Refuerzo, XII-Smyrna

  6. I'll go for Intelligent Design Theory because I always believed in God the creator, that God created us, the world and all organism that he is powerful and intelligent enough to create an organism unique from each other though evolutionary theory have been introduced during elementary I sill don't believe on it.

  7. Quick rebuttal, since comment space is limited

    1. Homology
    "The simplest and most obvious explanation for the fact that morphological similarities between bones, sensory organs, lungs, or gills exist among most higher animals is that the requirements of life are similar for similar living things, and some designs are preferred in constructing animals because these designs are superior to competing designs."

    There are traits in the human body that have lost most or all of their function through evolution (vestigiality). For instance, the vestigial tail in humans is the coccyx or tailbone, the final segment in the vertebral column. It no longer provides balance and mobility. In 2012, six humans were born with not just a tailbone but with a literal tail (case paper with pictures: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3263034/). As expected the tail could no longer be moved at will. Vestigial traits are found everywhere in the animal kingdom.

    2. Molecular biology
    "The recent information explosion in embryology, microbiology, genetics and especially molecular biology has revealed in minute detail how plants and animals are constructed at the molecular level. If the Darwinian interpretation of homology were correct, then we would expect that the same homologies found at the macroscopic level also exist at the microscopic, biochemical and genetic levels."

    The most complex and interesting evidence for evolution actually comes from micro/molecular biology, e.g. chromosome fusion (scientists can study chromosomes when they fuse between two species, through a marker called a telomere), pseudogenes (shared errors/mutations among species), and embryology (Hox genes involved in developing body plan are conserved across all animal life). An entire field, known as evolutionary developmental biology (or evodevo), studies the evolutionary process down to the molecular level (https://evodevojournal.biomedcentral.com/).

    3. Michael Denton
    "So many exceptions now exist that molecular biologist Michael Denton concluded that the homology theory should be rejected. His main argument is that genetic research has not shown that homologous structures are produced by homologous genes and follow homologous patterns of embryological development."

    Michael Denton wrote this in 1985. He wrote a second book in 1998 and corrected many of his previous views. Denton rejects creationism but believes evolution was guided by a higher power.

    A few more points
    *Part of the problem is that many schools present "both sides" as equal, when in reality, you would find no serious academic debate about this among biologists.
    *The theory of evolution is different from the law of evolution (natural selection), just like how there is the theory of gravitation and the laws of gravity. A scientific theory is an explanation of a natural law that has been repeatedly tested and observed to be true.
    *Catholic and mainline Protestant (Anglican, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Unitarian, etc) teaching supports theistic evolution, i.e. evolution happened but was guided by God.
    *Modern medicine relies on our current understanding of evolution to deal with bacteria that evolve in response to antibiotics (AMR).

  8. One looks at simplicity, explanatory power, or predictive success, it is clear that Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection trumps the idea of Intelligent Design, and demonstrates a coherent and testable prediction regarding the origin of species.

  9. Evolutionary naturalism because it has a prove and most of their prediction is truth.

  10. Evolutionary naturalism, because even if we humans are unique in our own ways, thinking, perspective and etc.. we are still humans, we still fall under Homo sapiens and i agree with the idea that we came from a specific organism that were mutated to survive in a specific area.

  11. When Charles Darwin introduced the theory of evolution through natural selection 158 years ago, the scientists of the day argued over it fiercely, but the massing evidence from paleontology, genetics, zoology, molecular biology and other fields gradually established evolution's truth beyond reasonable doubt. Today that battle has been won everywhere—except in the public imagination. Embarrassingly, in the 21st century, in the most scientifically advanced nation the world has ever known, creationists can still persuade politicians, judges and ordinary citizens that evolution is a flawed, poorly supported fantasy. They lobby for creationist ideas such as “intelligent design” to be taught as alternatives to evolution in science classrooms. When this article first went to press in 2002, the Ohio Board of Education was debating whether to mandate such a change. Prominent antievolutionists of the day, such as Philip E. Johnson, a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and author of Darwin on Trial, admitted that they intended for intelligent-design theory to serve as a “wedge” for reopening science classrooms to discussions of God.

  12. What do YOU think? Are you for Evolutionary Naturalism or Intelligent Designer ?

    Intelligent Design Theory, because I believe that God created us.

    Jeminah Batino

  13. For me, it's the intelligent design theory. I believe that God created all of the things that people can't do. He started the life existence first. We as humans, we still trying to understand and study everything made by Him. Although there were evidences and studies, we still don't know where those came from. No one knows, He only does.


  14. Macroevolution is evolution on the "grand scale" resulting in the origin of higher taxa. In evolutionary theory, macroevolution involves common ancestry, descent with modification, speciation, the genealogical relatedness of all life, transformation of species, and large scale functional and structural changes of populations through time, all at or above the species level and This article directly addresses the scientific evidence in favor of common descent and macroevolution. This article is specifically intended for those who are scientifically minded but, for one reason or another, have come to believe that macroevolutionary theory explains little, makes few or no testable predictions, is unfalsifiable, or has not been scientifically demonstrated, I'm an Intelligent Designer soon! :)

  15. Im on evolutionary naturalism because it has more convincing proof it is more consistent than intelligent designer.

  16. Serrando Roman Jr.

    Intelligent Designer. It is obvious that every living organism has its own identity; owned uniqueness. Designed for their purpose. It's like they are being created out of love. Just simply existing. The information that I've read above moved me -to live by faith and not by sight. :)





  19. Miguel Angelo T. TomimbangFebruary 10, 2018 at 7:37 PM

    Intelligent Designer because I don't believe in the theory of Darwin that we are evolved and started from monkey. I believe that there is a God who created us.

  20. Maybe Im for Evolutionary Naturalism. Maybe humans and any other organisms evolve thru time we just don't see it obviously.

  21. Intelligent Designer, because material world could not brought into existence through natural means alone. God made it that way, and things occur because he allows it.

  22. Based on facts and uderstandable evidnces evolutionary naturalism out stand the other. An organism came from its ancestor but where did the ancestor came from?. This inserts intelligent designer, the designer who produce the ancestor and marks the start of its evolution. But where did the designer came from? My answer for that is on the religous side that God created everything. So I am on both sides for they contribute for each other.

  23. Rajen Hanwel T. Maglaque

    I Am an Intelligent Designer

  24. Im for Evolutionary Naturalism, because the similarities of all organisms in the structure and functions of the organ or body parts only meant that all organisms came from a what they call a photocell that lived billions of years ago.

  25. As a student who studies science, i think i'll go for Evolutionary Naturalism since it does have a somehow concrete evidence to back it up unlike the other theory which is a kind of pseudoscience. But the plausibility of a Powerful force influencing the universe is very high; scientists are currently trying to find out what that is and they are calling it the "God" Particle.

  26. John Ferdinand E. Chavez
    Gr. 12 Shunem
    answer: I'm from Intelligent Designer

  27. I am for Intelligent designer, i believe that everything we have here on earth and everything that happens/will happen/happened in our world is because of someone who is more powerful and who is the King of all. Everything that we see here including us is from Him.

  28. Iam for an Intelligent designer because it is based on the bible in the book of genesis that I/We are created by God . I believe that Iam a masterpiece of God's work. I am the best in all of the things created by God.


  29. For me, I think I'm in the intelligent designer, sincewe are made of God and for me we are not from in monkey and evolve into a human. its only in what I understand. Evolutionary naturalism is about the evolution of a human...



  30. For me, I think I'm in the intelligent designer, sincewe are made of God and for me we are not from in monkey and evolve into a human. its only in what I understand. Evolutionary naturalism is about the evolution of a human...



  31. For me, I think I'm in the intelligent designer, sincewe are made of God and for me we are not from in monkey and evolve into a human. its only in what I understand. Evolutionary naturalism is about the evolution of a human...



  32. For me, I think I'm in the intelligent designer, sincewe are made of God and for me we are not from in monkey and evolve into a human. its only in what I understand. Evolutionary naturalism is about the evolution of a human...


  33. Lenie Anne L. Perez (Salem)

    I would choose Evolutionary Nationalism. This is because I prefer things that have a clear explanation. Although both have no concrete proof, Intelligent Designer is less believable, since it states that life was made by one being, which is God. Although my religion teaches me to believe in God, I can't, when it comes to the origins of life since I always ask myself, 'How?'. Evolutionary Nationalism provides a more realistic view and findings may improve over time as more advanced technology goes into development.

  34. SARMIENTO, RIZZA MARIE E.February 17, 2018 at 7:19 PM


    Why do most scientists accept macro evolution theory?

    my answer: scientists accept macro evolution because macro evolution is used to refer to any evolutionary change at or above the level of species. It means at least the splitting of a species into two or the change of a species over time into another. Any changes that occur at higher levels, such as the evolution of new families, phyla or genera, are also therefore macroevolution, but the term is not restricted to those higher levels. It often also means long-term trends or biases in evolution of higher taxonomic levels.

    What do YOU think? Are you for Evolutionary Naturalism or Intelligent Designer ?

    my answer: i'am a intelligent designer because i believe that god create us all living creature and i believe that god create all what we see in this world.

  35. VALDEZCO, NATHAN JAMESFebruary 17, 2018 at 7:20 PM

    (LOA) STEM - Sinai

    Why do most scientists accept macro evolution theory?

    my answer: scientists accept macro evolution because macro evolution is used to refer to any evolutionary change at or above the level of species. It means at least the splitting of a species into two or the change of a species over time into another. Any changes that occur at higher levels, such as the evolution of new families, phyla or genera, are also therefore macroevolution, but the term is not restricted to those higher levels. It often also means long-term trends or biases in evolution of higher taxonomic levels.

    What do YOU think? Are you for Evolutionary Naturalism or Intelligent Designer ?

    my answer: i'am a intelligent designer because i believe that god create us all living creature and i believe that god create all what we see in this world.

  36. I am for Intelligent Designer because I do believed that God created the whole universe and all the living things. I also searched for some concrete reason or evidence on the internet that states that life was suddenly created by God and here's the result:"One example of the scientific evidence for creation is the sudden appearance of complex fossilized life in the fossil record, and the systematic gaps between fossilized kinds in that record. The most rational inference from this evidence seemingly is that life was created and did not evolve."

  37. Narvaez Rone Jerome 12 Shunem

    Because of the facts that Darwin's theory of evolution through natural selection and debates about it.

    Intelligent Designer

  38. Evolution Naturalism has a good point that species are originated from shared ancestors but caused adaptation due to the different environment that cause our trait to develop that lead into a whole new species. However, I still believe in the Intelligent Design theory, which I consider to be the beginning of everything. As it is stated in the bible on how God created the universe, environment, animals and people, it serves as a strong evident life, or the universe, cannot have arisen by chance and was designed and created by some intelligent entity, God.

  39. Claire Angelie R. Sison
    12 - Salem

    Intelligent Designer because for most of human history, it has been recognized that operations in the natural world involve design, necessity, and chance. People of faith recognize that many things are the way they are because “God made it that way.” Most everyone also understands that some things work the way they do because of natural laws. What goes up must come down. There is also some randomness observed in nature, even if we recognize that nothing can occur without God allowing it. Things sometimes happen for no apparent reason.

  40. For even the evolutionary theory (evolution naturalism) displays a better explanation about the phenomena of different life-forms, I still believe in the theory of Intelligent designer. I believe that the assertion of certain features of the universe and of living things are the product from the intelligent cause or agent, not an undirected process such as natural selection. In addition, is the bible which serves to be the evidence that God created everything thus He is indeed the Creator. Even if there was no bible to support my conclusion, I would still firmly believe that we came from God because of the complexity of this life could not have happened by an accident after all.

  41. 1. because macroevolution theory generally refers to the evolution above the species level.
    2. for me it is evolutionary naturalism because everything has a scientific explanation

  42. Intelligent Designer because the evidence that support this theory.

  43. Irish Mogar AdoptanteFebruary 18, 2018 at 5:26 AM

    In wikipedia, Intelligent design is a religious argument for the existence of God, presented by its proponents as "an evidence-based scientific theory about life's origins." As a Christian, I believe that it is through God that life was formed. And I also agree in the concept of intelligent design that life is too complex to have evolved.

  44. I am for intelligent design because I believe in God's almighty power because I believe in His words.

  45. For even the evolutionary theory (evolution naturalism) displays a better explanation about the phenomena of different life-forms, I still believe in the theory of Intelligent designer. I believe that the assertion of certain features of the universe and of living things are the product from the intelligent cause or agent, not an undirected process such as natural selection. In addition, is the bible which serves to be the evidence that God created everything thus He is indeed the Creator. Even if there was no bible to support my conclusion, I would still firmly believe that we came from God because of the complexity of this life could not have happened by an accident after all.

  46. Iam in for Evolutionary Naturalism because evolutionists claimed that extensive comparisons of skeletons, muscles, nerves, body organs, cell ultra structure and biochemistry of different animal kinds have confirmed that a great deal of similarity exists in both their structure and function. By arranging or classifying large sets of anatomical structures according to the similarity of selected traits, evolutionary naturalists have attempted to demonstrate evidence for a long, gradual line of progressive animal changes terminating in the highest organism yet, humans. Evolutionists then argue that these comparisons prove the concept that all life evolved from a hypothetical ‘common ancestor’ protocell that they believe lived about 3.5 billion years ago.

  47. Why do most scientists accept macroevolution theory?
    - because scientist established of all facts and theories of science, based on evidence. If the offspring of one form of life had a different and improved set of vital organs then this is called macroevolution.

    What do YOU think? Are you for Evolutionary Naturalism or Intelligent Designer ?
    - intelligent designer because I believe that God is our creator.

  48. I pick Evolutionary Naturalism since fossils are real

    Von Panlaqui

  49. Zyan Maverick John R. GutierrezFebruary 18, 2018 at 7:06 AM

    Intelligent Designer. because it focuses on the existence of God. Everything came from God.

  50. Lawrence Mingote

    I think, I'll go for the intelligent designer. As a religious student I believe that God created us. God is so powerful to create the world and to create the living things in this world. Even though they found some artifacts, it come from the living things which God created.

  51. Regalario, Danica L.February 18, 2018 at 7:19 AM

    For me, I am an Evolutionary Naturalism.


  52. I think I agreed to them, if they are not sure and it is unapproved, then they should not trust the radiometric dating

  53. I'm an Intelligent Desinger. Because the world could not have brought itself into existence through natural means alone. There's no evidence that we came from an animal. And I know that there are many things we don't know about this world.

    Albert Balagat
    STEM - Salem

  54. Im an intelligent designer because i believe that we are created by God and there's no proof that we are came from an animal.

  55. In my opinion, Evolutionary Naturalism propose a more simple explanation of exposing its subject which is evolution, which gives it an advantage against Intelligent Design.In intelligent design it depicts a complicated process, because of its detailed observation and seeking for evidences. Though Evolutionary Naturalism neglects Homology as its evidence, it has led to the discovery of convincing examples that seemed to prove ancestor-descendant relationships. Moreover, Evolutionary Naturalism provides a more convincing examples of datas than that of Intelligent Design which shows complex ones.

  56. I think Intelligent designer because i believe in God and his almighty power.

  57. Intelligent Designer. Because I believe in God who created us

  58. I am for Evolutionary Naturalism. Because it is stated above that evolutionists have been comparing the different parts of different animal kinds and have confirmed that they have similarities like they have evolved. And I am for this evolutionary naturalism because it is like an upgrade in gadgets, it may have been upgraded but it still have the similarities from the past versions of it.

  59. In my opinion I'm in the between. Why? Because the two explains the flaw of each other. The unanswered question on Evolutionary Naturalism can somehow answered by Intelligent Designer. So, in this my answered would be I'm in between because at the end of the day the two can back up each other by their information to be more informative.

  60. Ian Geoffrey V. Lopez

    Intelligent designer because for most of human history, it has been recognized that operations in the natural world involve design, necessity, and chance. People of faith recognize that many things are the way they are because “God made it that way.

  61. Mario Esguerra
    12 - Salem

    In terms of simplicity, I think that evolutionary theory wins hands down. Speaking about ontological complexity, both ideas incorporate the existence of various life-forms, but with Intelligent Design one must also include the existence of the designer, as well as the tools used in the design.

  62. Mario P. Esguerra III
    Stem - Salem

    In terms of simplicity, I think that evolutionary theory wins hands down. Speaking about ontological complexity, both ideas incorporate the existence of various life-forms, but with Intelligent Design one must also include the existence of the designer, as well as the tools used in the design.

  63. Dave S. Bulactiar

    Generally, i am an evolutionary naturalism advocate. Although there are details which some arguments of Darwinists contradict, as long there are still evidences of same evolutionary structures and strand, homology can still exist. Organisms from time-to-time can be evolved and adapted on some aspects and we are all aware that the history of Earth was dynamic such as volcanic eruptions and cosmic activities which entails great manifestation structurally. Maybe a more in-deep researches or experiments should be done to diminish doubts or explain thoroughly the homology theory.


    GRADE 12 - SINAI
    Evolutionary Naturalism

  65. What do YOU think? Are you for Evolutionary Naturalism or Intelligent Designer?
    -In my opinion, I think that Evolutionary Naturalism is more reliable and acceptable because it explains better the evolution of different life forms here in earth. Today, abundant evidences have already been gathered which helps us understand the transitions between many species and serves enough reason for Evolutionary Naturalism to be more reliable for me.

    -Mark Hachero

  66. In terms of simplicity, I think that evolutionary theory wins hands down. Speaking about ontological complexity, both ideas incorporate the existence of various life-forms, but with Intelligent Design one must also include the existence of the designer, as well as the tools used in the design. In addition, a problem is raised regarding the origin of the existence of the intelligent designer; since it has abilities far more complex than even the current abilities of human beings, are we to suppose that it too was designed? In respect to dynamic complexity, both theories appear to accept the reproductive capabilities of organisms (I’m not sure about Intelligent Design), but Intelligent Design is the more complex nonetheless. Natural selection would imply the existence of biological processes which explain the similarities between offspring and parent organisms; such a thing isn’t too hard to believe because we can observe reproduction in organisms, meaning that something must be functioning within them which allows for such a thing. But Intelligent Design posits the existence of design processes outside of what goes on in reproduction, which have to be more complex because such designing gives rise to not just one type of organism, like a calf, but a multitude of organisms.

  67. In terms of simplicity, I think that evolutionary theory wins hands down. Speaking about ontological complexity, both ideas incorporate the existence of various life-forms, but with Intelligent Design one must also include the existence of the designer, as well as the tools used in the design. In addition, a problem is raised regarding the origin of the existence of the intelligent designer; since it has abilities far more complex than even the current abilities of human beings, are we to suppose that it too was designed? In respect to dynamic complexity, both theories appear to accept the reproductive capabilities of organisms (I’m not sure about Intelligent Design), but Intelligent Design is the more complex nonetheless. Natural selection would imply the existence of biological processes which explain the similarities between offspring and parent organisms; such a thing isn’t too hard to believe because we can observe reproduction in organisms, meaning that something must be functioning within them which allows for such a thing. But Intelligent Design posits the existence of design processes outside of what goes on in reproduction, which have to be more complex because such designing gives rise to not just one type of organism, like a calf, but a multitude of organisms.

  68. In terms of simplicity, I think that evolutionary theory wins hands down. Speaking about ontological complexity, both ideas incorporate the existence of various life-forms, but with Intelligent Design one must also include the existence of the designer, as well as the tools used in the design. In addition, a problem is raised regarding the origin of the existence of the intelligent designer; since it has abilities far more complex than even the current abilities of human beings, are we to suppose that it too was designed? In respect to dynamic complexity, both theories appear to accept the reproductive capabilities of organisms (I’m not sure about Intelligent Design), but Intelligent Design is the more complex nonetheless. Natural selection would imply the existence of biological processes which explain the similarities between offspring and parent organisms; such a thing isn’t too hard to believe because we can observe reproduction in organisms, meaning that something must be functioning within them which allows for such a thing. But Intelligent Design posits the existence of design processes outside of what goes on in reproduction, which have to be more complex because such designing gives rise to not just one type of organism, like a calf, but a multitude of organisms.

    Jc Democrito

  69. I am for Intelligent Designer, because I think it is true that God, our Creator, did a very bright design. He made a design common for each organisms so it will be less complicated with the structure of organisms. They compare this theory to the concept of tyres that are always round. The tyres are round because that is the most compatible design just like in animals, the designs have similaritites because the design is the most compatible for constructing an organism.

    Ronald Christian Andal

  70. Jeruel T. De Villa

    I think I am a Intelligent Designer because I believe that the creator use a superior power to create humans , animals and other living things.

  71. Mariel Allen Flores -SalemFebruary 19, 2018 at 7:28 AM

    Evolutionary Naturalism, for me because scientist have found proofs and evidences of this happenings tho some does not fit with the other but still it hold a bunch of history and explanation to be soon known, we might find those missing pieces soon with todays innovation and past datas.

  72. Ralfh John Villena

    When Charles Darwin introduced the theory of evolution through natural selection 158 years ago, the scientists of the day argued over it fiercely, but the massing evidence from paleontology, genetics, zoology, molecular biology and other fields gradually established evolution's truth beyond reasonable doubt. Today that battle has been won everywhere—except in the public imagination. Embarrassingly, in the 21st century, in the most scientifically advanced nation the world has ever known, creationists can still persuade politicians, judges and ordinary citizens that evolution is a flawed, poorly supported fantasy. They lobby for creationist ideas such as “intelligent design” to be taught as alternatives to evolution in science classrooms. When this article first went to press in 2002, the Ohio Board of Education was debating whether to mandate such a change. Prominent antievolutionists of the day, such as Philip E. Johnson, a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and author of Darwin on Trial, admitted that they intended for intelligent-design theory to serve as a “wedge” for reopening science classrooms to discussions of God.

  73. Evolutionary naturalism because carles darwin based the similarities by each animal like giraffe to other similar specias I think charles darwin has a point for proving that theory.

    Andrei agassi lobrio

  74. Evolutionary naturalism because according carles darwin based the similarities by each animal like giraffe to other similar specias I think charles darwin has a point for proving that theory.

    vince xyruz borja

  75. Glen Marc Hizon
    Gr.12 - Salem
    Evolutionary Naturalism - because it explains the theory of evolution

  76. Kyla Mae Samson (Smyrna)February 19, 2018 at 8:16 AM

    I choose Evolutionary Naturalism because Charles Darwin based the similarities by every animal similar to the giraffe to other related species. I consider Charles Darwin has a aim for proving that theory.

  77. Kyla Mae Samson (Smyrna)February 19, 2018 at 8:17 AM

    I choose Evolutionary Naturalism because Charles Darwin based the similarities by every animal similar to the giraffe to other related species. I consider Charles Darwin has a aim for proving that theory.

  78. John Vincent Lunar STEM-Salem

    I think I am in Evolutionary Naturalism because I think that we are an evolution of a common ancestor just like in animals or plants, through the years many animals and plants evolve to survive because of the changing weather and resources.

  79. I would choose Evolutionary Naturalism simply because there are some vidences that were proven at some point. For example the ape and human although it is not yet known why some people are being similar to one another. And as generation goes by more and more things are vetting similar to one another

  80. I will choose Evolutionary Naturalism. In Naturalism,Charles Darwin's studies are reliable for me. With the help of his Evolution of man, we can simply understand the stages before we become a living creature. We are the same with what Charles Darwin discussed on the evolution of man. The characteristics of being strong and hardworking are in nature of every single creature. We are also compared to animals like monkey and others by stating that we are smart the way animals think as they response to everything. In every study there's a corresponding factual evidence that can prove everything. I will go for Evolutionary Naturalism. As a show of respect to others, I also believe in Intelligent design theory that we are being created from the heavens above. We all know that we have many religion in our globe so I think there's a contradiction in every statement that will make difficult for us to understand the theory. Both has a factual information.

  81. Lizette S. Doroteo XII-SHUNEMFebruary 20, 2018 at 5:47 AM

    Evolutionary Naturalism, because Evolutionists have proven that the concept that all life has grown from the prototype that they believed lived lived about 3.5 years ago. And evolutionists tried to show proof of long investigation.

  82. Intelligent designer
    * it is an argument of the existence of God. I believe in this theory because we all know that God created us. Even the heavens, earth, plants and animals.

  83. Intelligent designer
    * it is an argument of the existence of God. And many thinks that God really doesn't exist. but i really believe about this theory because God is the one who created us, because there is too many questions in our universe that science cannot answer.

  84. Im am for the evolutionary naturalism because it can assert a problem with believing both evolution and philosophical natural simultaneously.And it is used to justify a ruthless capitalism where in the interests of the higher individual the weak must necessarily go to the wall. Logically, the theory of evolution leads to no such ethical conclusions.And it is more useful than intelligent Designer.
    John Aldrin Beringuela

  85. Im am For Evolutionary naturalism because it assert a problem with believing both evolution and philosophical naturalism simultaneously.It is used to justify a ruthless capitalism where in the interests of the higher individual the weak must necessarily go to the wall.Logically, the theory of evolution leads to no such ethical conclusions.So the Evolutionary Naturalism is useful than Intelligent Designer.

  86. I think I would go with Intelligent Design

  87. Intelligent Design Theory
    The reason is first of all I wasn't convinced in the explanitaion of evolution by naturalism because there's still questions that weren't answered by this theory and also some evidences might be quite convincing but like what was mentioned above those evideces were only selected considering that they are many variables that should be also explain. Therefore why Intelligent design? It's Not because of my religion or what my beliefs are, but because I read an article saying that Creationism is different from Intelligent design and it is considered as a scientific theory. This theory lead by an intelligent designer and some people called him as "God" who made an intelligent action and resulted to the complexity of life. This theory also focuses on a purely natural processes and hold empirical evidences done from experimentation and observation like the gene sequence of DNA that is very mind blowing how it was formed? And many believed that only Intelligent design theory can answer it.

  88. Intelligent Design Theory
    The reason is first of all I wasn't convinced in the explanitaion of evolution by naturalism because there's still questions that weren't answered by this theory and also some evidences might be quite convincing but like what was mentioned above those evideces were only selected considering that they are many variables that should be also explain. Therefore why Intelligent design? It's Not because of my religion or what my beliefs are, but because I read an article saying that Creationism is different from Intelligent design and it is considered as a scientific theory. This theory lead by an intelligent designer and some people called him as "God" who made an intelligent action and resulted to the complexity of life. This theory also focuses on a purely natural processes and hold empirical evidences done from experimentation and observation like the gene sequence of DNA that is very mind blowing how it was formed? And many believed that only Intelligent design theory can answer it.

  89. Raphael Delos SantosFebruary 20, 2018 at 7:47 AM

    Evolutionary Naturalism

  90. For evolutionary naturalism, scientists show proof or evidences that may stand for their theory or stated facts but not all their evidences can stand the truth. There are also unmistakable evidence of design by the scientist. For me, I will agree on Intelligent designer, it is scientifically creation. There are evidences showing the creation of the world including organisms that can be answered by science. And I think all organisms started during the day when God created the World. Those things that can't explain by scientist are the things that can answer only by God. Just imagine "where are you came from?" You will answer from your mother and father then where are they came from? From your grandmother and grandfather then where are your grandfather and grandmother came from and so on. And you will come up answering Adam and Eve, the first woman and man in this world. They are created by God and also you and the other organisms, a simple thing that can answer Where are we and other organisms came from.

  91. Dennis Adrian Cabaltea

    Teachers and others are still likely to find themselves on the spot to defend evolution and refute creationism, by whatever name. Creationists' arguments are typically specious and based on misunderstandings of or outright lies about evolution. Nevertheless, even if their objections are flimsy, the number and diversity of the objections can put even well-informed people at a disadvantage.

  92. I am for the Intelegent designer beacause humans can't be and it's hard to prove that we come from a animal and evoled as he time goes by . Ther might be some similarities biologically and physically with the structure and functions of other organisms but it's a hard thing find out where do really humans started is it with a ant and we just evolved in the form of humans in that probably massive amount of time that the scientist needs to compute in orther for them to know how humans have been formed . I therefor conclude that being in the side of intelegent desinger theory makes us believe that we are unique and that life on Earth doesnt started with a dot .

  93. Eventhough we study a lot about the evolution of man we don't have any proof that will meet our expections and don't have any answers to our questions. I believe in intelligent designer. Science all happens in this world, science shows how reality or behind the creation of this universe but all I sure is God created everything.

    John Lord Ortillada
    12- shechem

  94. I'm an intelligent designer, because I believe that the creator creates everything on this planet.

  95. Quiz 2:
    What do YOU think? Are you for Evolutionary Naturalism or Intelligent Designer?

    Intelligent Designer, Because I believe that we are all descended from god and also God is the one who imparts being to the whole of created reality and who enables all of the powers of causation within creation. So God was the explanation for the whole, but was not to be found in the gaps.

    Palaganas, Jeffrey Vidad
    Grade 12 - Shechem

  96. I'll go for Evolutionary naturalism because it's based on Charles Darwin's hypothesis of natural selection and it holds that the human condition emerged from the European scientific Enlightenment.

  97. Wenard Bermejo

    for me evolutionary naturalism because it was more convincing because of its facts and evidences. After all, I believe in the creation of God.

  98. Jan Andrei Zamora

    for me evolutionary naturalism because it was more convincing because of its facts and evidences. After all, I believe in the creation of God.

  99. Ken Lorence Robiños

    for me evolutionary naturalism because it was more convincing because of its facts and evidences. After all, I believe in the creation of God.

  100. Quiz 2:
    What do YOU think? Are you for Evolutionary Naturalism or Intelligent Designer?

    Intelligent Designer, Because I believe that we are all descended from god and also God is the one who imparts being to the whole of created reality and who enables all of the powers of causation within creation. So God was the explanation for the whole, but was not to be found in the gaps.


  101. I will choose the evolutionary Naturalism because it shows the evidences that animal or an organism evolve from one organism to another organism and by those evidences like skeleton muscle and nerves it shows a good evidence to prove the theory

  102. Question 1
    Because macrovolution shows evidences that is important to prove a theory if there is no evidence the scientist will not accept the theory

  103. Intelligence designer , because there's a lot of evidence that supported that the human came from the creation of god.one of the evidences of it is the complex structure of animals which also created by god.

    Maricar R. Lopena
    12 Shechem

  104. Intelligence designer , because there's a lot of evidence that supported that the human came from the creation of god.one of the evidences of it is the complex structure of animals which also created by god.

    Maricar R.Lopena
    12 Shechem

  105. Intelligence designer , because there's a lot of evidence that supported that the human came from the creation of god.one of the evidences of it is the complex structure of animals which also created by god.

    Maricar R. Lopena
    12 shechem

  106. Intellient designer, because the bible itself proves that God created the universe and the Earth along with its inhabitants

  107. Intelligent Designer because we all know that god created all of us . and all the nature things that we saw before everything and everyone was leave in this world we believe that god made all of this . and some people believe

  108. Maria Jenica V. Cantores
    - Intelligent Designer


    As a Christian, I believe that I'm created by God. So that, I'm in Intelligent Designer. I'm believing that all the living things and nonliving things here on earth and the earth itself were created by God.

  110. Visitacion,Darrel S.

    intelligent design..because if we will depend on the evolutionary theory, from the word "theory" it means " a system of ideas intended to explain something," so its just an idea and its not purely proven by them.

  111. i think i am an Evolutionary Naturalism. for me , we humans is just a part of evolution in earth after a long long time.

  112. Jhonnie N. Barrientos 12-shechem
    i am a evolutionary naturalism

  113. Shankyle Zapanta 12-Shechem
    an Evolutionary Naturalism

  114. For me, it is evolutionary naturalism that can elaborate the diversities of life forms. It is evolutionary naturalism because according to what I read, it can be able to discern fossil records. Darwin believes that fossils display the changes from one group to another. Another thing is that evolutionary naturalism have a crucial part in the existence of the biological process and it can be able to indicate gaps between different species.

  115. I will agree on Intelligent designer, It is scientifically creation. Also there are evidences showing the creation of the world and including organisms that can be answered by science. And I think all organisms started during the day when God created the World. Those things that can't explain by scientist are the things that can answer only by God.

    Rivera, Eleuterio Jay S,(12-SHECHEM)

  116. Renzsky E Enriquez
    Grade 12 Shechem

    -Because there are evidences that are found, there are different evidences and it was scientifically proven that, that is an evidence for the theory. And this theory was very close to reality.

    -Intelligent Designer because the world was created by god but the process of evolution still exist and that was part of god to let it happen.

  117. I think that evolutionary naturalism better explain the different life forms. Because evolutionary naturalism can distinguish the fossil records; fossil show the transition from one group to another just like what Darwin believe. Also, evolutionary naturalism can signify the existence of biological process and they can indicate the gap between species.

    Jennidean Kate P. Tanghal

  118. Zulueta, Jenilyn C.

    -Because there are evidences that are found, there are many different evidence and it was proven to that theory. And this theory was close to reality.

    -Intelligent Designer it is because the world was created by our God but the process of evolution still exist and that was part of god to let it happen.

  119. Zulueta, Jenilyn C.

    -Because there are evidences that are found, there are many different evidence and it was proven to that theory. And this theory was close to reality.

    -Intelligent Designer it is because the world was created by our God but the process of evolution still exist and that was part of god to let it happen.

  120. I think that evolutionary naturalism better explain the different life forms. Because evolutionary naturalism can distinguish the fossil records; fossil show the transition from one group to another just like what Darwin believe. Also, evolutionary naturalism can signify the existence of biological process and they can indicate the gap between species.

    Jennidean Kate P. Tanghal

  121. Intelligent Designer, Because we are all created by God. Because of God's greatness and power he created us. It is said in the bible that our mind cannot reach how wide,long,high,deep the love of God. So even if we do a lot of research about our creation we will not get an answer because only God can answer all our question.

    Arlyn Agno
    12 Shechem

  122. Evolutionary naturalism is better than the idea of intelligent design because of the fossil records. Fossils indicate a transitional stage from one type of organism to another, just like Darwin believed. Intelligent Design cannot account for such transitional fossils, and every fossil found sheds greater light on the bridges between species and the weakness of ID’s hypothesis.

    Jozel Mae B. Jamilla

  123. For me, I much prefer the idea or theory of the Intelligent Designer. It takes courage for a scientist that they admit they cannot find any evidence of the true origin of an organism especially the origin of our ancestors"humans", this also opens a new sets of theories about the original theory"the Intelligent Designer theory". I did not choose the Evolutionary Naturalism theory for it has lack of its evidence about anything it stated, the theory only depends on the theories that the organism evolved from the other organism in the fact that they lived in the same environment and the same time span they lived, what if it is actually different kind of organism, it 8s just they have the almost same characteristic because they live in the same environment.? That's why.

  124. or me, it evolutionary naturalism that can elaborate the diversities of life forms. It is evolutionary naturalism because according to what I read, it can be able to discern fossil records. Darwin believes that fossils display the changes from one group to another. Another thing is that evolutionary naturalism have a crucial part in the existence of the biological process and it can be able to indicate gaps between different species.


  125. Kevinfabito
    Intelligent designer.

  126. Tejada, Vanessa May S.

    I think that I am an Intelligent design. Because I believe that I or we have a very intelligent designer. I know that we are created on this earth by God. In Evolutionary Naturalism it is stated by science that we are from monkey or fossils. Yes, it has evidences but I still believe that we are created by God even there are no evidence.

  127. I am for Intelligent Designer, because I agree on it mostly than for Evolutionary Naturalism. One of the things I agree on it is that any species with the same bone structures and same functions are not always related to each other. They dont always came from the same descendants just because of having the same bone strustures and other functions of their body.
    (Maria Sophia Mojica - Shechem)

  128. I would prefer more about the Intelligent designer than evolutionary naturalism because evolutionary naturalism focuses only on comparing the evolution of the apes to human. I could say that their evidence is still not enough for us to determine that it is true because they just based it on their similarities. Many animals today that is almost the same but we can't say that they are the same species before. I prefer more to Intelligent designer but for me there is a specific creator which is our God. The bible provide a great evidence on how does the earth was made and also the humans.

  129. Renzsky Enriquez
    12 Shechem

    Continuation of my asnwer, homology shows more on evolutionary naturalism. Because it focus more on natural events of mutation and changes.

  130. Absolor,Jade Hazel
    Grade-12 STEM-SHECHEM

    Intelligent Design, because if we read our bible "Genesis" we may understand how God created everything..

  131. Bejenia Kim C.
    STEM - Shiloh
    For me Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection is better than the idea of Intelligent Design because of the fossil records. Fossils indicate a transitional stage from one type of organism to another, just like Darwin believed. Intelligent Design cannot account for such transitional fossils, and every fossil found sheds greater light on the bridges between species and the weakness of ID’s hypothesis.

  132. Casas, Mark Joseph
    STEM - Shiloh
    Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection is better than the idea of Intelligent Design because of the fossil records. Fossils indicate a transitional stage from one type of organism to another, just like Darwin believed. Intelligent Design cannot account for such transitional fossils, and every fossil found sheds greater light on the bridges between species and the weakness of ID’s hypothesis.

  133. Evolutionary Naturalism
    -Evolutionary Naturalism because it states facts in extensive comparisons of skeletons, muscles, nerves, body organs, cell ultrastructure and biochemistry of different animal kinds have confirmed that a great deal of similarity exists in both their structure and function, and so that maybe this is facts about evolutioary naturalism.
    Aife Joy Annedhie Armas

  134. Angelo Leon Aurelio
    -I'm for intelligent designer. It is true that just because species of different kinds have the same structures and body functions, they already are related to each other. I agree on its concept more than the evolutionary naturalism.

  135. Evolutionary Naturalism
    -Because based in the article Evolutionists then argue that these comparisons prove the concept that all life evolved from a hypothetical ‘common ancestor’ protocell that they believe lived about 3.5 billion years ago so I agree in Evolutionary naturalism.
    Mark Deniel Esporlas

  136. intelligent designer because all past events were god,'s plan. And god let evolution happens.

  137. Nicolejay Ramirez STEM-Sinai

    For me, I believer that there's creator in this world because theres a lot of complexity in our structure that proves that there is an intelligent designer that created all things perfectly.

  138. Lazado, Jhon Lorenz D.
    1. Because, Macroevolution involves variation of allele frequencies at or above the level of a species, where an allele is a specific iteration of a given gene. ... It is contrasted with microevolution, which is mainly concerned with the small-scale patterns of evolution within a species or population.

    2. Evolutionary Naturalism

  139. Lazado, Jhon Lorenz D.
    1. Because, Macroevolution involves variation of allele frequencies at or above the level of a species, where an allele is a specific iteration of a given gene. ... It is contrasted with microevolution, which is mainly concerned with the small-scale patterns of evolution within a species or population.

    2. Evolutionary Naturalism

  140. Lazado, Jhon Lorenz D.
    1. Because, Macroevolution involves variation of allele frequencies at or above the level of a species, where an allele is a specific iteration of a given gene. ... It is contrasted with microevolution, which is mainly concerned with the small-scale patterns of evolution within a species or population.

    2. Evolutionary Naturalism

  141. Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection is better than the idea of Intelligent Design because of the fossil records. Fossils indicate a transitional stage from one type of organism to another, just like Darwin believed. Intelligent Design cannot account for such transitional fossils, and every fossil found sheds greater light on the bridges between species and the weakness of ID’s hypothesis.

    Lyka Marie Casuyon

  142. Janine Ramos STEM-Shiloh
    I am a believer of Christ so I believe that there is an intelligent designer that created everything perfectly and in harmony with others. God designed everything for his purpose and no man can explain it eventhough great scientist are disproving this belief.

  143. Cris Jester H. DavidFebruary 21, 2018 at 7:47 AM


    I stand believing for Intelligent designer. Because I believe there is always a beginning of something/anything/everything, and for me, it begins with our Creator, God.

  144. Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection is better than the idea of Intelligent Design because of the fossil records. Fossils indicate a transitional stage from one type of organism to another, just like Darwin believed. Intelligent Design cannot account for such transitional fossils, and every fossil found sheds greater light on the bridges between species and the weakness of ID’s hypothesis.
    Francisco S. Tan Shechem

  145. Joshua Racelis

    - I believe in intellegent designer there is a God. Everything in this life points to there is a creator. Everything is not have happened by an accident.

  146. 12-Shechem
    Intelligent designer
    Because god created human in ash ... he created us just like himself ... it is just so magical how human create a little human inside her body ... and we all know that there are many things that science cannot prove to us how this things created ...

  147. Mark Casas STEM-SHILOH
    I believe that everything came from something and that something is also the one that let the evolution took place in our genetics. He is omnipotent that he created all living and non living things. He is also omniscient that he knows everything about us and everything that would be good for us the best example for it is the evolution and adaptation. the body structure of animals is becoming adaptive to environment they're in not because of themselves but because of the intelligent designer

  148. I must say that I am an Intelligent Designer, for all that is shown are merely theories. Although they show quite convincing evidences and historical and biological patterns, we must stay true to the fact what Darwin stated were indeed, theories.

    I am a man of God. I love, fear and worship him for he his almighty. Many belive that mankind was built in his image, molded to his to his preference, his liking. Now although, as much as I'd like to believe that everything within and out of our grasp, everything wee see and do not are all made by God, I still have many questions, and, to my disappointment, doubts.

    I can not decide, nor I shall, the true origin of life, or in particular man. Were Adam and Eve the first human beings? Or were men once ape-like creatures who slowly evolved and became the apex predators. In conlussion, I remain nuetral when it comes to the Evolution of Man. For in my opinion, nothing is certain, yet everything is convincing.

  149. wilfedo c tapat
    stem smyrna
    i am for the intelligent designer. because all organisms are different or not related. for example is human, all human have the same function but they are different to each other

  150. Gelmore Laguio
    Stem Salem
    i am for the intelligent design because all organism have the same function but they are all different in the basis of genes.

  151. Jenno Villasis
    Evolutionary Naturalism
    because fossils exist

  152. Using the evidence I’ve seen for both explanations, I’ve concluded that evolutionary theory better explains the phenomena of different life-forms. I’ll establish why I think so by considering the simplicity, explanatory power, success of both ideas.

  153. Jericho V. Argarin
    STEM 12-Samaria

    Quiz 2:
    What do YOU think? Are you for Evolutionary Naturalism or Intelligent Designer?
    - I think I am an Intelligent Designer, because I really believe that God do exists.

  154. Mailyn Duelas Obena - SmyrnaFebruary 25, 2018 at 5:46 AM

    If I were to choose, Im pushing for Evolutionary Naturalism because I believe that Evolutionary theory explained the history perfectly rather than Intelligent Designer because the explanation are bridged since fossils indicated a transition stage from one organism to another.

  155. I am for the both of the theories of creation, the theories that have been formulated goes hand in hand and cannot be preceeded by the other since with out the other there is no basis how it all started. Even though the existence of God is a paradoxical question also, but I believe that there is a designer behind all of this and that ia God

    - Danuek Stephen O. Villanueva

  156. Evolutionaralism Naturalism
    because people wants natural and people, need to be naturaized
    John Paul Magana
